Thursday, June 24, 2010

Will using preparation H cream help remove wrinkles?

Preparation H temporarily narrows blood vessels. The jury is still out on whether or not it works on eyes, but I wouldn't try it.

There are so many good products on the market now, so why use something that may or may not work? It just seems so... weird.Will using preparation H cream help remove wrinkles?
Yes, I believe it does.

There are plenty of websites out there stating that many people have tried Prep-H on their eyes and it has reduced the puffiness.

Many make-up artists also use it on clients to give them a firmer, brighter look.

You need to use the preparation H which has the bio dyne ingredient in it however to achieve the result. Some versions have it and some don't.

I have tried to purchase the product at many chemists in Aust over the past couple of years, but have found it is no longer available.

I have just discovered you can get the right stuff off Ebay (australia) though. It is the canadian version of preparation H.

I suppose you could always try it and see what happens.Will using preparation H cream help remove wrinkles?
Wrinkles no, bags or swelling yes.
ya in your butt
So I have heard. Depends maybe where the wrinkles are?
I'm not sure about wrinkles. I've heard the models and pageant contestants use it under the eye to control puffiness and dark circles.
it suppose to work on puffy eyes, it shinks the swelling. might help wrinkles, i don't know.

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