Friday, December 11, 2009

Does smoking cause wrinkles in the skin?

Yes, it will dry out your skin and cause it to turn a grayish, pale color. Your teeth will turn yellow, too, and you will always smell like smoke...why would anyone pay for something that made them ugly?!Does smoking cause wrinkles in the skin?
yes it also causes cancer in any part of your body but usually starts in your lungs the Cancer... smoking is a mistake that can kill you... please if your the one who smokes or one of you're friends stop because you're not only hurting yourself your hurting everyone that loves you or however your talking about.Does smoking cause wrinkles in the skin?
it gets rid of em.
yes. it does lead to a lot of other damaging to skin and the folllowing:

* bad breath

* yellow teeth

* smelly clothes

* more colds and coughs

* difficulty keeping up with friends when playing sports

* empty wallet - cigarettes and tobacco products are very expensive!

the good news is that if u quit smoking, than ur skin will repair quickly
yes, and yellow teeth %26amp; fingernails too
Yes. Smoking makes you have the dreaded Leatherface look. Gets even worse with sun exposure.
I wouldn't worry about the skin but the lung... who knows???
Yes, especially around the mouth.
oh yes it does that's why you shouldn't ever do the smoking !
of course honey
yes, especially around the lips.
Yes. Smoking dries out the skin which leads to wrinkles. They will be the most obvious in the small lines around the lips but will affect the entire face.
Yes.First, it is dangerous. It causes cancer. Secondly, your tan gets yellow color, so as your fingernails. You'll always smell like a cigar. It can be a BiiiiG turn-off. But, the main answer on your question: it rips apart your collagen and elastic strings, so your skin isn't elastic anymore. By constant influence of gravity, it is pulled down, and since the strings aren't strong enough because of smoking, you get wrinkles.
As people have already emphasized, they do. Smoking is not good for anything but a temporary relief. In the long run, it destroys you.

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