Sunday, December 13, 2009

If you cry ALOT does it cause wrinkles/any type of damage?

no comment except; 10-7-07...etc...If you cry ALOT does it cause wrinkles/any type of damage?
No, tears don't have that power, they're just salty and that has no effect on your skin.If you cry ALOT does it cause wrinkles/any type of damage?
good question, i was just wondering about that Report Abuse

first of all, i doubt it. second, what does it matter? i mean you should force yourself to try not to cry because you're afraid of wrinkles. plus there are much more probable ways to get wrinkles that you can worry about instead of about crying
No it will not cause wrinkles. It will just cause you face and eyes to look puffy but that will go away quickly. No damage or any other side effect. You might want to see a therapist if you are that depressed. Good luck
crying shouldn't cause anything to change appearance wise
  • skins be
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