Saturday, December 5, 2009

At night im getting wrinkles on my forehead, im 13! Whats wrong?

At night I have wrinkles on my forehead and in the morning you can barely see them. Whats wrong with me? Is it dehydration because I only drink a glass or less of water everyday. HELP!At night im getting wrinkles on my forehead, im 13! Whats wrong?
Probably since your more relaxed at night, you winkles appear less in the morning. Next to wrinkles around the eyes and mouth, forehead wrinkles are the most common. You know what they are. The lines that start about half way up the forehead and sometimes make the person look like they are continuously frowning. As a matter of fact, forehead wrinkles are often called frown wrinkles. Besides aging there are a few reasons why these lines appear. Frowning and squinting often are causes of this type of wrinkle. Even smiling and laughing can attribute to the appearance of this obvious kind of wrinkle. This doesn't mean that you have to spend your life expressionless to avoid developing these. It just means that you may want to retrain your facial muscles to avoid over creasing and encouraging those wrinkles to appear. There are a few things you can do to reduce the chance of forehead wrinkles appearing.

-Pay attention to facial expressions

-Retrain your face

-Decide on an appropriate treatment

As mentioned before, to avoid or reduce the appearance of wrinkles you need to know how your face moves. Next time you are in casual conversation, pay attention to any tightening of certain areas of your face. These are the places wrinkles are most likely to present themselves. Watch your expressions in a mirror to see where the creases and lines appear while smiling or frowning. Without careful planning, those lines could one day be permanent. Once you have determined the trouble areas for you, take action. Concentrate on reducing the stress to the muscles and skin of those areas while you smile, laugh, or become angry or distressed. Being aware of the effects of those expressions will help you avoid wrinkles all over the face. Once it has become habit to relax the muscles of the face, you probably won't have to think about this wrinkle reducing habit anymore.

SMILE more, smiling is an instant face lift... :)At night im getting wrinkles on my forehead, im 13! Whats wrong?
its ok i have that and im 15. you probably jsut scrunch oyur forehead all the time. i used to and also my mom has them so i think its just your genetics
Maybe you are wrinkling your forehead like raising your eyebrows at night? I get that too in the morning but if I wash my face and keep my face still it goes away.
I've never heard of this. Are you sleeping underneath a wrinkle-grooved bacon presser?

Otherwise, Botox can be your friend when you are older and can pay for such a thing.
stop wrinkling ur forehead
drink more, and maybe you spend too much time in the sun

u need to mousturise ur face... its prolley getting too dry and u might need to drink more water.
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