Saturday, December 5, 2009

Im 24 y/o and i noticed that i had a wrinkles on my forehead,what will i do?except surgery,thank u,?

Realize that this is a natural part of life, and is completely unavoidable? And then perhaps start to use a few various skin moisturizers or something?

Oh wait, this is the modern age, the age of facelifts and botox. How could I be so stupid... I mean, don't we all want to look like Paris Hilton?

In all seriousness however, I wouldn't really do anything except some natural skin conditioners or something. It WILL happen to you at some point, as it does to everyone.

Personally, if I was female, I'd rather age gracefully, rather then having every facelift being obvious at 70, thank you very much.Im 24 y/o and i noticed that i had a wrinkles on my forehead,what will i do?except surgery,thank u,?
Sadly, many products for wrinkles are scams and others have proven not to do what is claimed (you can verify that with a Google search) At the most they fade them a little (and for a lot of money)

There is a proven treatment for not just fading them but greatly diminishing them and largely preventing others from forming. it's low cost as it's using safe, natural oils. Use any but the best for acne prone skins is lavender or grape seed - acknowledged treatments for clearing up acne. You might find it difficult believe but you simply massage over and over and it rubs them away. Try to massage for 30 min a day(can be two sessions) to get fastest results. Some users reported results in only three days. See my many Best Answers for more info. (wrinkles, lines, scars, etc) and glowing reports from users. If cannot find, please email me and I will gladly send you the full details.

SOURCE(S): 20+ years research into natural treatments %26amp; cures of skin, scalp and hair conditions and anti aging, rejuvenation treatmentsIm 24 y/o and i noticed that i had a wrinkles on my forehead,what will i do?except surgery,thank u,?
Oh Darling...Have you ever heard of ';expression wrinkles';? No stress, no surgery...Your way to use the face's muscles when you laugh or cry, or you make your expressions creates this wrinkles!As time pasts, the more you use your face expressions, the more these wrinkles are established. But it's natural! Don't be tragic...Accept your wonderful wrinkles, that show your so beautiful expressive face!
Be gentle with your skin and it will go a long way in keeping it smooth and supple. Gently massage the marks with glycerin-honey mixture. Dip a cotton pad in unbeaten egg white, and smooth it across wrinkles. Leave it on for an hour and remove it with a cotton dipped in ice-cold water. Check out for more useful info.
next time when you wear makeup/mosturizer/cream or even wash your face, try rubbing your face from center out (that means from nose bridge outwards). Not from out to in! That's usually the reason for early wrinkles. Same goes for the rings on the necks (like Kimora Lee Simmons has). Rub mosturizer from neck towards chin and not the other way round!
forehead wrinkles have this nasty habit of getting deeper as you age. i don't consider botox as surgery, so you could look into it. botox will relax the muscle and make the lines less noticeable or (in some cases) disappear. i believe it lasts for 4+ months.
I found my first wrinkle when i was 23, by the side of my mouth. It's normal i'm afraid, just start using loads of good anti wrinkle cream. I'm 26 now and i have got 3 wrinkles :(

smoking and too much sun or sunbed exposure also makes you get wrinklier younger
There are lots of wrinkle creams available these days. You don't need surgery! Ask an older woman, maybe your mother, maybe a friend of hers, any older woman who you think looks young for her age what skin cream she uses.
got to a drug store and ask them to show u where the best wrinkle cream is and goodluck and hope you dont age too quickly; )
The wrinkles could be caused from stress.
everyone gets them but if you are that downheared go and buy some wrinkle cream from the chemist!
my mother got the same problem too. in her case she puts some lemon or orange in her forehead and scrub it...

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